Marina Torres

Marina Torres


Diagnostic Imaging Clinician

Marina graduated from the University Cardenal Herrera UCH-CEU in Valencia, Spain, in 2016, where she developed a special interest in diagnostic imaging. She began her career as a general practitioner in Spain, completing both a rotating internship and a specialty internship. Marina earned an imaging certificate (CSPI-DI) and worked as an imaging clinician at a veterinary referral centre in Spain. Additionally, she served as an associate professor in the Diagnostic Imaging Department at the Veterinary Hospital of the University Cardenal Herrera UCH-CEU.

Marina is currently pursuing a Diagnostic Imaging Certificate at the University of Liverpool (GP Cert Diagnostic imaging) and is interested in undertaking a diagnostic imaging residency in the future.

Outside of work, Marina enjoys spending time with her friends, travelling, going for long walks with her lovely dog Hawaii and dancing.