My Dog has a Mast Cell Tumour… Now what? Pathologic Approach to Prognosis and Treatment

Mast cell tumours are frighteningly commonplace and distressingly variable in their behaviour. This webinar will help you to understand how their pathological characteristics – including grading, margins evaluation and molecular markers – can assist in formulating prognosis and improve clinical decision making in dogs with mast cell tumours. My Dog has a Mast Cell Tumour……

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When can I recommend electrochemotherapy?

Electrochemotherapy is a treatment which we have been offering at NDSR for the last 4 years. It has become a very useful part of our armoury for both improving the quality of life in animals with non-resectable cancer and for preventing the recurrence of incompletely excised tumours. When do we recommend it? We use electrochemotherapy…

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Pain is a frequently occurring problem in many neurology patients and neuropathic pain can sometimes be very difficult to treat. Neuropathic pain is a complex, chronic form of pain where the nerve fibres themselves may be damaged, dysfunctional, or injured. Damaged nerve fibres may send incorrect signals to the brain which may be perceived as…

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A Suspected Thoracolumbar Slipped Disc

When to refer a Dachshund with a suspected thoracolumbar slipped disc? For Dachshunds with sudden onset spinal pain or neurological deficits in the pelvic limbs, the most likely differential is a thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion (slipped disc). We grade intervertebral disc herniations into 5 grades and the outcomes are listed below for both conservative and…

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Neuromuscular Disease

Neuromuscular diseases affect the peripheral nervous system and either affect the peripheral nerves (neuropathies), neuromuscular junction (junctionopathies) or the muscle itself (myopathies). In this focus on piece we hope to explain the most common causes of acute onset flaccid paralysis and an overview of the current best practice for diagnosis and treatment. Dogs with acute…

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Vestibular Disease

Clinical signs for Vestibular Syndrome can include a head tilt, wide base stance, vestibular ataxia, rolling or leaning to one side, pathological nystagmus (either spontaneous or positional), reduced oculocephalic reflex and strabismus. Some of these signs are pathognomonic to vestibular disease, meaning that when present, they clearly indicate a problem in one of the anatomic…

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Intervertebral Disc Disease

The intervertebral disc (IVD) is an important structure within the spine. The functions are to offer stability and absorb shock during movement such as running, jumping or minor trauma. The structure of the IVD compromises the annulus, the nucleus pulposus and vertebral endplates. The nucleus pulposus is located in the intervertebral disc space formed by…

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Meningoencephalitis of unknown origin (MUO)

Non-infectious meningoencephalomyelitis are common neurological conditions in dogs which may lead to inflammation of the brain, surrounding meninges and spinal cord. The aim of this article is to provide you with an overview on these conditions, focusing on meningoencephalitis of unknown origin. The classification of central nervous system (CNS) non-infectious inflammatory disease often appears confusing…

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Brain Abscesses in Cats

In some cases the abscess may be seen initially external to the skull, but in others there is only abscessation within the cranial cavity, making them very difficult to detect. These cats are often, but not always, pyrexic at presentation with progressive forebrain signs which vary from mild behaviour changes to ataxia, circling and blindness.…

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Management of Cats with a ‘Tail Pull Injury’

Tail pull injury is caused by the traction on the tail following a traumatic event. This is a common neurological condition in cats and in most of the cases, is the consequence of a road traffic accident. Sacrocaudal or intercaudal luxation/fracture, as well as sacral spinal cord segments and cauda equina injury are commonly the…

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